vendredi, janvier 31, 2003

Nouvelles-Reunion du Comité civique.
Suite à ma demande, Monsieur Arnold Frankel a bien voulu me fournir le résumé de la réunion pour pouvoir en informer ceux ou celles qui n'étaient pas présents. En voici la teneur:
JAN. 29, 2003
With 70 persons in attendance, Chairman Arnold Frankel opened the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
After normal business, he introduced the City Manager of the City of Lauderhill, Mr. Charles Faranda, who answered some questions with the following answers.....
1)The City of Lauderhill will not change its name.
2) Various improvements & changes to the Lauderhill Golf course are behind schedule, but there will be a push to finish everything up.
3))Prices for golf, itself, will be put into 3 & 6 month segments, price-wise.
4)The tunnel under the turnpike, at about l9th Street,, due to red tape, will possibly not be open to emergency vehicles, until 2015 or 2025.
5)Mr. Faranda explained that even though permits may be issued for special events, if the noise decibels go over the limit, we should call 765-4321 & they will send police out to enforce the city noise codes.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted,

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