samedi, juillet 28, 2012

Bientôt , des nouvelles surprenantes à venir

Des changements majeurs sont à prévoir, j'attends les confirmations et les permission de publier.
Soyez attentifs au blog...'attendez pas toujours que je vous avertisse quand il y a des nouvelles.

  Les chats partis, les souris dansent.

Durant l'absence de notre gérant
, des propriétaires de condo semblent en profiter .
Un propriétaire de condo dans un des building , au rez-de-chaussée  a fermé son Florida Room avec du *tentest* noir avec une fenêtre 3 pieds par 5 pieds et une porte de maison blanche,
Il semblerait que c'est une horreur. Je n'ai malheureusement pas de photo à vous fournir.
En outre ,d'autres propriétaires font la pluie et le beau temps.IIs ont fêté  un anniversaire près d'une  piscine avec sandwich salade et boisson,malgré,( comme il se devait de le faire )un autre propriétaire les aurait  avertis qu'il était défendu d'apporter  nourriture et boisson. près de la piscine .(Ils lui ont tout simplement rient au nez)

mercredi, juillet 25, 2012

Condos and HOAs

Living with Rules

Is it necessary for board members to take a class after being elected?

In October 2008 Florida Statute 718 (The Condominium Act) was amended to provide a choice of signing a certificate or attending a Division approved course and receiving a certificate from a provider within 90 days of being elected. A director who does not exercise one of these options is suspended from service on the board until they comply.
The statute states:
Within 90 days after being elected or appointed to the board, each newly elected or appointed director shall certify in writing to the secretary of the association that he or she has read the association’s declaration of condominium, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and current written policies; that he or she will work to uphold such documents and policies to the best of his or her ability; and that he or she will faithfully discharge his or her fiduciary responsibility to the association’s members.
Here is the problem that I have.
Firstly, we must assume that the board member has read the documents.
Secondly, in order to uphold them you would need to assume that they understand them.
Most associations must consult with their attorneys from time to time to clarify and interpret their documents.
Lastly, the law says nothing about knowing the applicable laws concerning community associations such as statutes, administrative codes, and local codes and ordinances.
Attending a board certification class, such as the classes that we conduct monthly at our Law and Learning Center, gives you knowledge about official records, finances, meetings, fraud, business judgment, and more. This information is essential to board members, and fulfills the statutory requirement.
Also, you get a cool certificate at the end of the class.
Our next free “Board Member Basics” board certification class is
 July 25 from 10am-12pm
At 5297 West Copans Rd. Margate Fl. 33063
To register call 954 315-0372